
Thursday, June 15, 2006

2006, June 16th

quite busy these days....
oh well, i mean these 3 days..
i never knew that selling thing can be this tiring... but well, i need money...... i want KangTa pic book + photos, SMtown Summer album 06, SS501 2nd single, n i still haven't paid half of KangTa & Vanness album..
talking bout the profit... it's more than what i think before.. hope i'll get the money quickly so that i can stop this tiring thing T_T

My toothache is getting worse!!!!!!!! like hell!!!!!! it breaks my gum n make an injury like scurvy thing...

Mom & Dad will go to Shanghai next week... cannot join, cos i have to attend lectures =(

bad thing!!!! the exam will be delayed for a week....... means that i can't go having some holidays with my fam!!! OMG, i really really hate school!!!!

one more bad thing! the remediation for OSCE will be held next Wednesday..........
i should start studying!!!! i have to pass the exam!!! God, please help me T_T

i've finished copying n burning 16 CDs......... need to pack them now, n send them tomorrow..



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