SS501 in Malay!!
OMG OMG... Abis ditelpon Jo langsung excited...
It is confirmed that SS501 will be coming to Malaysia on 21st of August
The official annoucement will be out soon
If no changes, the fan meeting will be on 24th of August
The fan meeting is not opened to the public (i guess it means u need to buy ticket to get in)
Activities in the fan meeting includes autograph session, games session, Q&A session, and performance
Albums can be bought on the day, album signing is limited to 500 albums!
The enterance ticket is priced at RM 180
Will everyone support?
(They will be performing in Summer Live Concert held in Malacca on 23rd August)
PS: Malacca is another city in Malaysia, roughly 1hour n 30minutes away from the capital Kuala Lumpur.
Summer Live Concert has been going on for a few years, and they take turns to rotate in different major cities in Malaysia each year
Many other taiwanese n other artist will attend the concert
The best part is that the concert is a free one, you just need to get the free tics(which i personally think is quite harzardous process >.<)
Also, any fans wants to follow to Malacca to attend the summer live concert?
We plan to set up a package, to follow ss501 to the places they go to
The expenses will include transport, hotel accomodation, and will also be provided with the concert ticket
In addition, fans in Kuala Lumpur that wish to stay in the same hotel as ss501, we can arrange this too. The hotel charge will be calculated sperately.
Overseas fans are welcome to join too
Anyone interested to join the package please do state the number of people
Email to contact:
go to this website for more information
pengen pergiiii...............
tapi 21 jelas belum bisa pergi... tapi yah kalo cuma jemput di airport kayanya sih ga apa ga ikut.. *walo kayanya seru n aku pernah bilang one day aku bakal jemput mereka*
trus 23nya itu konsernya rame2 ta.... padahal kpengen yang full... tapi laen kali kan masih bisa pergi yang full.. Ling aja pergi terus kan......... n tahun depan aku lebih banyak waktu liburnya.. nah tapi 23 itu aku masih saraf.. iya kalo udah ujian.. kalo belum gmana.. pikirku kalo udah ujian mah mau liburan di sana... walo ntar ngerepotin Jo atau siapa yang lagi di malay.. atau aku jalan2 sendiri juga ga apa... hahahaha..
yang jadi masalah.. mau ke sananya gmana.. bukannya ga brani, tapi aku baru sekali ke luar, itu juga yang ngurus macem2nya semua kan papa... tapi biar aja, toh aku punya mulut......... bisa tanya......... n pasti diajarin dulu ma papa
duh duh... gmana ini, gmana....
yang pasti sih kepengen..................
kalo emang ujian saraf ga isa ya udah, dipending dulu aja n ijin ma dr gofir... toh aku dah ga da utang ujian stase lain...
tanya papa mama ah.. moga2 boleh... sapa tau mama mau temenin
hii ini gw tadi yang kirim comment sebelumnya,wah gw ga tau klo kamu tuh org indo barusan baca blognya lagi ternyata kamu dr jogja...
hmm tadi gw nanya ttg SS501,tlggg bgtt kasi tau informasinya yahh...sory bgt ngerepotin abisnya gw ud nyari2 tau tapi ga skrg di kuala lumpur kuliah krn itu selagi mreka dtg ke malaysia aku bner2 pengen dtg...krn aku BIG FAN bgt :).Pleaseee help me out ya...thankkk you bgttttttt :)
Unknown, at June 14, 2009 10:17 PM
hai.. udah kuemail ya
itu tahun lalu lho..... hehe
tahun ini katanya sih desember mau ke malay, tapi baru gosip2nya
Lee_ya, at June 15, 2009 11:56 AM
astagaaa aku baru baca itu 2008 ahahahaha,terlalu smangat gw...hehehe
btw klo tau pastinya tlg kasi tau yahhh,abisnya disini gw susahhhh bgtttt cari tau ttg informasinya... ;(.Pdhl ud dr taon kapan gw suka bgt ama ni boy banddd...btw km ud official jadi triple s yah?gw ad liat triple s gift,itu gimana caranya?hehehe sory yah banyak tanya gw seneng bgt bisa nemu fans indo juga :)..btw kamu punya facebook ato msn ga? :)
Unknown, at June 15, 2009 12:37 PM
iya, udah official triple S
tahun kemaren DSP buka pendaftaran buat overseas fans soalnya...
mungkin tahun ini ada lagi...
kalo mau ikutan beli barang2nya TS coba ke sini:
kayanya baru mau buka order bareng lagi... tapi nanti jadinya masih harus kirim ke malay ke tempatmu... atau alamatmu di indo gtu jadi lebih gampang & murah ^^
facebook & msn ada:
Lee_ya, at June 16, 2009 7:42 AM
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