
Monday, October 16, 2006

aku binun n pusing........
pusingnya sebenernya karena emang aku lagi flu sih...
seharian demam cos kemaren pulang malem padahal dah tau kalo lagi pancingen..
tapi kan asyik ketemu temen2 sma..

aah crita reuninya dulu..
aku dateng ke t4 amy jam tgh 4, crita2 dikit, trus dian dateng.. hatta, bobby ma catur tnyata dateng ke t4 amy bawain CPUnya amy. ya udah jadi deh brangkat bareng..
aku naek mio lho ^^

trus nyampe warung Shinta jam tgh 5an.. eeh, Shinta malah blon dateng..
qta jadinya ngobrol2 dulu gtu, ampe akhirnya mutusin masuk warungnya n duduk2 dulu.. pesen2 juga cos dah mau buka.. lucu deh crita2 soal yang Bobby dah tunangan, ejek2an.. ha3.. trus siapa yang dateng yah? Chax deh rasanya.. iya betul.. masa aku diejek orang tua gara2 minum teh tawar anget? padahal kan mengingat aku batuk pilek gtu.. kalo nggak aku pesen jus de.. he3.. bis itu gitta n nink dateng.. Nink dianter cowok bo!!! masih kecil pula kliatannya.. tapi manis kok ^^ cocok ma nink ^^ katanya dah jadian 2 minggu.. hehehehe... asyikd apet PJ ntar..
trus adi dateng.. masa' amy dipanggil shinta? kumat deh si adi.. segitu lamanya qta ga ketemu yah? ^^ abis itu dicky n refa yang dateng... eeeh tnyata dikit yah yang ikut? =)
Chax ribut ma Dicky mengamalkan ilmu konseling yang barusan dia dapet, yang smoking cessation tu ^^ lucu deh dengerin mereka.. si dicky tuh ngeyelnya ga ketulungan,, masa ditanyain apa untungnya dia ngerokok, dijawab."kan aku berotot" hueeeee?? dasar tuh anak.. masih error aja..
trus tnyata Refa bisa spss nya!! asyiik! kalo aku ga berhasil aku nanya dia deh.. baru mau nyoba ntar malem ^^
pas adi mau pamit, qta foto2 ;D lutuuu pokoknya...
pas qta dah mau pulang, eh Shinta baru dateng... payah euy... tapi jadi tercetus ide syawalan bareng.. ha2
ya dah biz itu aku anter gitta ke t4 amy n si hendro tnyata dah nungguin..
pulang deh.....

pagi ini, malah dapet sms aneh dari Jo.. yang aneh tuh isinya... dah lah ga usah di bahas..
i dun care at all now..
mau nuduh yang ag bener? silahkan..
mau musuhin aku? silahkan..
seingetku aku ga pernah bikin salah apapun... sigh...
kenapa sih aku selalu bermasalah ma yang namanya forum xxxx?
n yang aneh knapa mereka bawa2 TCI? yang mereka anggep salah tuh sebenernya siapa? aku apa TCI? aku ga habis pikir T__________T

Monday, October 09, 2006

Taya's Bday!! Saengil chukaheyo!!

Hope happiness always be yours

I love u forever!!

with Love,


Thursday, October 05, 2006


I'm gonna die!!!!!

remember what i posted yesterday bout Shone??????
OMG.. i've never known before that it's HIS OWN blogs!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah i know that it's not a strange thing anymore reading our idols' diaries or blogs,
but i've never got into theirs site by myself before.. so i was really "OMG!!! I can't believe it!!!! I must be dreaming!!!!"

the silly thing is that i left some message before:
I'm Lia from Indonesia..
i really really love Shone!!
n i'm dying here waiting for his news....
it's been long time ago since i know his news (about Love n Courage movie)
n now i can see his new pics again on ur site..
Thanks a lot!i feel like crying! really..
Xie xie ^^
hope i will be able to see his pic here..
at least i know that he's alright..

ok... i wrote this for Shone?????? how stupid!! >,<

i did feel very strange bout his pics.... i wrote about who the hell in the world can get his personal pics... remember? oh yeah.. i should've known that the answer is Shone ke, himself!!

n just now, i posted this:
Jun Can ke....
this is Lia.. the one who wrote yesterday...
dui pu qi, i really didn't know that it's really your blogs
if i knew, i would have said like this:

wo cen te hao xiang ni...
ye hen ai ni..
i can't speak n read n write chinese..
hope u don't mind with my message..
i'll come really often.. can I?
*miss u so much*

n i'll continue to write...
whatever he'll think about me... n whatever people will say... *I think I'm the only one who write in english on that guestbook*

aaah, i'm so excited!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

For u, Shone ke....

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!
finally i've found u!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shone ke!!!!!!
shuai ke!!!!

i mean....
how long i've been missing u, without knowing even just one thing bout u... except that last diary that saying u'd be having quite long holidays.....
i felt like crazy whenever i miss u... just can see ur old pics, play ur songs...
n wondering are everything ok for u.. are u alright.. are u having fun now..
on n on until i wanna give up......
but u know what..
i still can't forget u... i still remember ur birthday.. wishing for ur success, ur health, n hope i can see u again...

n here i am....
finally i can see ur face again >,<
but i'm going crazy again, for thinking who the hell in the world can post many of ur personal pics??? I envy!!!! =( but many thanks to her or him, whoever he/she is... but can it be it's really u who makes it??? *dies*

I'm soooo happy!!!!!